How to perform forest bathing and why it makes you healthier and happier
When we explore the magical nature, we experience it with all our senses. What we can see is obviously important, but so much of the enjoyment also comes from what we can hear and smell, like the sensation of touching a tree or a rock, or even tasting rainwater on our lips.
Humans weren't designed to live in polluted, concrete jungles, so when we immerse ourselves in a natural landscape, we can feel our body relax the way it's meant to. For those who enjoy the Japanese art of shinrin-yoku (forest bathing), there is nowhere more naturally sensual and health-giving than the forest.
You can forest bathe on your own or in a group, but when you are in the forest you should all be quiet so that you can concentrate on immersing yourself in the experience. We recommend that you set aside about two hours for the forest bath (which includes the walk to the FOREST BATH)
Before you head out, make sure you're wearing comfortable clothes and turn off your phone (or better yet, leave it at home). Pack a bag with necessary things such as something to drink, something small to put in your stomach and something to sit or lie on if desired.
Stop at the edge of the forest before entering. Take slow deep breaths as you look at the trees, preparing to go inside. It is 1.2 km and 80 meters up to THE FOREST BATH, so take it at your own pace and enjoy the walk there as well.
Follow the Ragnerud trail (red trail) starting with us at Ragnerud. Just after the intersection between loop 3 and 4, you will find SKOGSBADET on the left. You can choose two different routes to get there. Either the slightly easier route on the northern part of loop 3 or you go through the Kroppefjällsdörren and follow loop 4 of the Ragnerudleden on the slightly more challenging trail that winds beautifully uphill.
10 tips on what to do
do when you forest bathe
- Turn off -
your phone (and any other technological distractions).
- Breathe deeply -
and move slowly.
- Note the details -
in it in front of you with the different senses
- Feel -
the connection with the trees. You breathe in the oxygen they create, and they absorb the carbon dioxide you breathe out.
- Observe the sun's light -
through the trees.
- Speak to the Forest -
Describe the things you can see that you have never noticed before.
- Take your time -
in the different places you choose at the forest bath. Feel free to stay for 20 minutes in one place.
- Listen -
on your body. Feel the rhythms of your breathing and heartbeat merge with the soundscape of the forest.
- Make it a regular thing -
in your life with the forest near you.
- When you leave the forest -
take your time before plunging back into your everyday life.
6 tips on what NOT to do when you are forest bathing
- Do not receive phone calls -
or check your email.
- Don't listen to music -.
- If you are with other people -
do not talk to each other except for the most basic interactions required.
- Don't take lots of photos -
It will distract you because you will start thinking about compositions instead of simply immersing yourself in the details you are observing.
- Do not use -
binoculars or microscope - keep it natural.
- Don't start thinking -
on everyday life issues.
Good things to take with you
- A comfortable lightweight backpack.
- A water bottle.
- Sturdy hiking boots or
shoes that are suitable for
the conditions.
- Extra clothes for the weather
getting colder or raining.
- Something to sit on
the ground is wet.
- A drink and a snack
to enjoy after the session.
- A notebook and pen.
Why forest bathing is good for you
It allows your mind and body to escape from unnatural urban environments and reconnect with the natural world.
Slowing down and breathing deeply allows you to relax.
You can benefit from increased oxygen levels and other natural chemicals released by trees that can help boost our immune system. A sensual immersion in the visual impressions, sounds and smells of the forest reduces anxiety and tension. Research suggests that people relax best when surrounded by blue and green.
Shinrin-yoku means "forest bath". It's a newer term with ancient roots — rising in Japan in the 1980s, but based on Shinto and Buddhist practices — and it's really just describing something people have been doing unconsciously for millennia. In simple terms, it involves walking slowly through a forest; observe everything you can see in detail; slowly inhale the scents of the forest; listen to the birds, the wind and the rustle of the leaves; and benefit from the gentle oxygen boost from the trees.
It combines elements of mindfulness and meditation with the indisputable benefits of being out in nature and enjoying nature's timeless rhythm. It is sometimes described as "returning to one's senses".
The phrase shinrin-yoku was originally promoted by the Japanese government, who saw it as a way to alleviate a public health crisis created by high levels of work-related stress.
This led to extensive scientific research to demonstrate its health benefits. For example, shinrin-yoku has been shown to reduce high blood pressure, reduce anxiety levels and help with depression (Source: Global Wellness Institute/National Taiwan University) and even increase anti-cancer properties (Source: Global Wellness Institute/Nippon Medical School) .
No wonder then that, as forest bathing has become increasingly popular worldwide, many consider it not only a refreshing leisure activity but also a valuable physical and mental health therapy.
Our ancestors used to go forest bathing regularly, they just didn't call it that. But now most of us spend so much time in unnatural indoor environments that your body may be silently longing for a forest bathing experience.
Be aware of komorebi
Throughout your walk, observe how the shape and radiance of the sun changes through the trees (what the Japanese call komorebi).
Observe living beings
Be aware of wildlife. Whatever you see - insects, birds, rabbits, squirrels, deer - watch carefully how they move and how comfortable they are in their environment. Think about what you have in common as living beings. Think of the trees breathing in and out, sap flowing through their trunks and branches.
Feel the rhythm
Feel your feet firmly planted on the forest floor. Notice the gentle rhythms of your arms and legs as you move. Listen to the sound of your breathing synchronizing with the timeless serenity of forest life.
Talk to the trees
If you're feeling brave, try talking to the forest. Focus on a tree, a mushroom or a brisk squirrel. Tell them what you observe. Highlight details you would normally never have noticed.
Sit for 20 minutes
Find a comfortable place to sit on the ground, perhaps an old log or a large rock. Quietly observe your surroundings for a full 20 minutes or more. If the location works for you, make a note of where it is and return to it each time you visit the forest.
Feel the forest within you
Continue walking slowly until you reach the end of your route at the edge of the forest. Keep breathing deeply. After a while, you may well feel that the forest lives within you. Indeed, it does!
The threshold of incorporation
When you come out of the forest, don't rush back to your second life. Japanese forest bathing sessions often end with a tea ceremony, so pack a drink and maybe a snack and enjoy them slowly. If you are with other people, this is the moment to quietly start discussing what you experienced. You may also want to jot down some notes describing your experience. Known as the "threshold of incorporation", these moments are not part of the forest bath itself, just a soft and pleasant way to transition back to the harsher environment of the more developed world.
How often should you forest bathe?
Forest bathing is like most forms of therapy and exercise. There is no long-term benefit to doing it once or twice. If you find it works for you, create time and space to regularly go forest bathing - preferably once a week. If your preferred forest can get busy, choose a time (like early morning) when you can find solitude and peace to fully immerse yourself in the experience.
The more you go forest bathing, the more you will feel the benefits - both for the moment and for your overall health and well-being. You will also experience additional shades of revelation as you observe the changes of the seasons.
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